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2016年国际林联亚洲和大洋洲地区大会第四届森林科学论坛提交论文摘要 网站链接:http://www.iufro-ao2016.org/en/news.asp?id=35.html

Call for Abstracts

Deadline for abstract submission: May 15, 2016

Proceed to abstract submission(***User account required)


The IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016 is composed of the following three streams and the Call applies to all of them:

1. IUFRO-AO 2016 (the Regional Congress, covering nine topic areas);

2. All Division 8 Meeting (an independent event organized by IUFRO Division 8); and

3. The 4th Forest Science Forum of Chinese Society of Forestry (an independent forum organized by CSF).

The Congress Scientific Committee (CSC) welcomes submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations in scientific sessions under the above three streams.

For abstracts submitted to the 1st stream, namely the Regional Congress, they should address one or more of the following nine topic areas:

•Climate change mitigation and adaptation

•Conservation and sustainable forest management

•Forest health

•Forest inventory and monitoring

•Forest landscape restoration

•Forest policy, tenure and governance

•Forestry education and research management

•Planted forests, bioenergy and green economy

•Social, cultural and health aspects of forests

When submitting an abstract (online at: http://www.iufro-ao2016.org), you will be asked to select firstly the proper stream then the most appropriate scientific session. For the Regional Congress, before selecting the session you will need to find the appropriate topic area. For your information, lists of sessions and session descriptions of the three streams are provided in separate documents. Please note that all abstracts for any stream must be submitted by the May 15 deadline.

If the topic of your abstract does not appear to be related to any of the listed sessions, you should select the “Other/Not Sure” option under each topic area. Selecting this option will not affect its evaluation, and all accepted abstracts will be allocated to an appropriate Congress session.

Authors must select one of the following options for your presentation preference: “oral”, “poster” or “no preference” (abstracts under this option will be decided by the CSC to be oral or poster presentations). Authors should be aware that a presentation presented as a poster is considered to be as important as an oral presentation.

In order to give as many colleagues as possible an opportunity to present their work at the Congress, the number of abstracts that can be considered will be limited. Although an individual may be listed as a co-author on several abstracts, the number of abstracts for a Presenting Author (i.e., the author or co-author who will actually make the oral presentation during the Congress, designated on the abstract submission form) will be strictly limited to 3 per person (and 1 for a single session). For poster presentations, the maximum number of contributions for a presenting author is 5. It is strongly recommended that the person who will be designated as the Presenting Author also be the person who submits their abstract(s).

All presenting authors (oral or poster presentations) are required to register for the Congress by July 31, 2016 – failure to do so will mean that the presentation will be deleted from the program and from the abstracts volume.

Information to be provided when submitting an abstract

Language: English (only abstracts in English will be accepted).

Title of the paper (less than 20 words long): should clearly summarize the topic of the abstract.

Name, organizational affiliation and email address of each author. The author who will present the paper or poster at the Congress must be designated as the Presenting Author.

Key words or phrases (up to 5).

Main text of abstract (170-200 words). Should describe the context and specific problem/topic of study, methods, main results and conclusions in plain writing (see examples on next page).

Criteria for selection

All abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated first by both appropriate session coordinators and members of the Congress Scientific Committee. Primary selection criteria include scientific quality, topical significance, and relevance to the Congress topic areas and to the particular session to which the abstract is submitted.

Abstracts will be evaluated after the submission deadline, May 15, 2016. Acceptance decisions will be made no later than July 15, 2016.

All accepted abstracts of oral or poster presentation for all the above-mentioned three streams, whose presenting authors attend the Congress, will be included in the Congress Abstract Book prior to the Congress. Submission of an abstract implies consent by the authors to have the abstract published by the Regional Congress (IUFRO-AO 2016). Although Congress proceedings with full papers will not be published, session organizers are encouraged to explore alternative publication options (books, special issues of journals, etc.) for papers and/or posters presented in their sessions.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts for your contributions to what will be a milestone event in Asia and Oceania as the first IUFRO Regional Congress to be held in this region, in Beijing, October 24 – 27, 2106.


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